
        🏆Blood Group🏆


➖Based on the presence and absence of antibodies, the blood is assessed into totally different teams.

➖Further, whereas classification, the presence and absence of the inheritable substance substances additionally thought of.

➖The sorts of blood teams area unit inheritable and represent contributions from each the daddy and also the mother.

✍️ABO blood type System

➖In human blood, usually, there area unit 2 antigens and antibodies.

➖The 2 substances area unit substance A and antigen B.

➖The 2 antibodies area unit protein A and protein B.

➖The antigens area unit remaining within the red blood cells, whereas the antibodies area unit found within the blood serum.

➖Based on the substance property, the blood type of all kinsmen are often classified as −

➭ blood type blood type substance A and protein B

➭ blood type blood type substance B and protein A

➭ blood type blood type substance A and substance B and no protein

➭ blood type blood type no substance, however substance A in addition as protein B

➖Consideration of the ABO group is that the most imperative whereas transfusion of human blood.

➖The Australian Aborigine blood type systems were 1st discovered by Landsteiner in 1901.

✍️Rh blood type System

➖The Rh system (the which means of Rh is Rhesus) is another important blood-group system. it's important to match Rh system whereas introduction.

➖Rh substance 1st studied in Macaca mulatta monkeys; so, its name is given Rh factor/system.

➖The one who doesn't have Rh substance is thought as Rh negative (Rh-ve) and also the one who has the Rh substance is thought as blood type (Rh+ve).