•In casting of copper as a dioxidizer

•Boron rods used in automic reactor.

•Boron fiber used in bullet proof jacket,

•In composite material of aircraft

•Used in braintumer therapy.


•As a flux for soldring metal.

•In borex bead test

•In softning of water


•Manufacturing of enamels of glazes, tiles.

•For making optical and borosilicals SS.

•Food preservative


• Making house hold, untensils, frames, roof,aircrafts.

• Electric wire.

•Thermite process (In metallurgy of Cr, Mn, Fe)

•For transportin nitric acid.

•AI, Hg used as reducing agent.

•Aluminium powder + Ammonium nitrate.

πŸ’ LEAD [Pb]:

•In making telegraph and telephone wires

•Making bullets

•Making chamber in HSO, process.


•In the manufacturing of HNO3, NH3, CaCN2. 

•Liquid nitrogen used as refrigrant.

•Inert atmosphere in metallurgy.

•Gas thermometer and electrical bulb

πŸ’ NH3:

• Refrigeration

•Manufacturing HNO3, NaHCO3

•Artificial Silk. 

• Urea Formation

•For solvent

πŸ’ HNO3:

• Manufacturing of ammonium nitrateas fertilizer. 

•In explosive

• For making nitroglycerine. 

• Making TNT. 

• Pickling against of stainless steel. 

• Etching of Metal

•Oxidizer in rocket fule.