Class 11th Biology Handwritten Notes 

 Theories of organic evolution

(i) Lamarckism: Lamarck (1744 –1829) was one of the most brilliant stars on the horizon of the history of evolution. He was the first naturalist to put forward a general theory of evolution in his famous book. Philosophic Zoologique published in 1809. His evolutionary theory may be summarised in the form of following laws:

(a) The internal forces of life tend to increase the size of an organism.

(b) The necessity in animals to produce new structures.

(c) The effect of use and disuse.

(d) Inheritance of acquired characters.

iii) Darwinism: Charles Robert Darwin was undoubtedly the first naturalist who put the idea of organic evolution on sound footing. His statements and theories were based upon practical experiences and large number of proofs which he collected directly from the nature.

His main ideas about the evolution are given below –

(a) Over – production of offspring   

(b) Limited supply of food and shelter  

(c) Struggle for existence:

(i) Intra –specific                         

(ii) Inter –specific                                    

(iii) Environment 

(d) Survival of the fittest          

(e) Universal occurrence of variations    

(f) Inheritance     

(g) Natural selection