English Sample Paper for class XII Term 1 Exams 2021-22
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English Core (301)
Sample Question Paper (Term 1)
Class - XII
Time: 90 Minutes Max. Marks 40
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.
2. Section A-READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per specific
instructions for each question.
3. Section B-WRITING SKILLS has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C-LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions for
each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking
I. Read the passage given below.
I. I got posted in Srinagar in the 1980s. Its rugged mountains, gushing rivers and vast
meadows reminded me of the landscapes of my native place – the Jibhi Valley in
Himachal Pradesh. Unlike Srinagar that saw numerous tourists, Jibhi Valley remained
clouded in anonymity. That’s when the seed of starting tourism in Jibhi was planted. I
decided to leave my service in the Indian Army and follow the urge to return home.
II. We had two houses – a family house and a traditional house, which we often rented out.
pleaded with my father to ask the tenant to vacate the house so that I could convert it into a
guesthouse. When my family finally relented, I renovated the house keeping its originality
intact, just adding windows for sunlight.
III. I still remember the summer of 1992 when I put a signboard outside my first guesthouse in
Jibhi Valley! The village residents, however, were sceptical about my success. My business
kept growing but it took years for tourism to take off in Jibhi Valley. Things changed
significantly after 2008 when the government launched a homestay scheme. People built
homestays and with rapid tourism growth, the region changed rapidly. Villages turned into
towns with many concrete buildings. Local businesses and tourists continued putting a
burden on nature.
IV. Then, with the 2020-21 pandemic and lockdown, tourism came to a complete standstill in
Jibhi Valley. Local people, who were employed at over a hundred homestays and
guesthouses, returned to their villages. Some went back to farming; some took up pottery
and some got involved in government work schemes. Now, all ardently hope that normalcy
and tourism will return to the valley soon. In a way, the pandemic has given us an
opportunity to introspect, go back to our roots and look for sustainable solutions.
V. For me, tourism has been my greatest teacher. It brought people from many countries and
all states of India to my guesthouse. It gave me exposure to different cultures and
countless opportunities to learn new things. Most people who stayed at my guesthouse
became my repeat clients and good friends. When I look back, I feel proud, yet humbled at
the thought that I was not only able to fulfill my dream despite all the challenges, but also
play a role in establishing tourism in the beautiful valley that I call home.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight ou t of the ten
questions bychoosing the correct option
Q.1 The scenic beauty of Srinagar makes the writer feel
A. awestruck
B. nostalgic
C. cheerful
D. confused
Q.2 A collocation is a group of words that often occur together.
The writer says that Jibhi valley remained clouded in anonymity.
Select the word from the options that correctly collocates with clouded in.
A. disgust
B. anger
C. doubt
D. terror
Q.3 Select the option that suitably completes the given dialogue as per the context in paragraph II.
Father: Are you sure that your plan would work?
Writer: I can’t say (1) ………………………………………….
Father: That’s a lot of uncertainty, isn’t it?
Writer: (2)............................................................ , father. Please let’s do this.
A. (1) that I would be able to deal with the funding (2) Well begun is half done
B. (1) anything along those lines, as the competition is tough (2) Think before you leap
C. (1) that, because it’s a question of profit and loss (2) All’s well that ends well
D. (1) I’m sure, but I can say that I believe in myself (2) Nothing venture nothing win
Some of the question that are given in sample paper are written above and You can can download the sample paper from the below link 👇👇👇👇👇👇