Class 12th Economics Important Dates
🔴 Year's
- 1757- Battle of Plassey
- 1869- Suez canal
- 1881- First census
- 1921 - Year of great divide
- 1907 - TISCO
- 1850 - Introduction of railways
- 1853 - First train in India
- 1966 - Green revolution
- 1948 - First industrial policy
- 1956 - Second IPR
- 1955- Small scale industries
- 1991- NEP
- 2017 - GST
- 2016 - Demonetisation
- 1948- GATT
- 1995 - WTO & NSAP
- 2014- Make in India & Jhan dhan yojna
- 2001 - Removal of Quotas
- 1962 - Study group by PCI
- 1979 - Task Force group
- 1989 - Expert group
- 2008 - PMEGP
- 2004- NFFWP
- 2005 - MGNREGA
- 1964 - Education commission
- 2009 - Right to Education Act
- 1998 - Tapas Majumdar committee
- 1969 - Institutional sources for credit
- 1982 - NABARD
- 1970 - Operation flood (White revolution) & MRTP Act
- 1991 to 2012 - Golden revolution
- 2005 - NREG Act
- 2013 - Montreal protocol
- 1974 - CPCB
- 1980 - IUCN
- 1949 - Independence
- 1953 - First five year plan
- 1978 - Economic reforms
- 1965 - Great proletarian cultural revolution
- 1958- Great leap forward campaign
- 1947- Independence
- 1956- First five year plan
- 1988 - Economic reforms
- Early1970's - Nationalisation of capital goods
- Late 1970's - Denationalisation & financial support
🔴 Abbreviations :-
- TISCO - Tata iron and steel company
- PCI - Planning commission of India
- IPR - Industrial policy resolution
- NEP - New Economic policy
- IBRD - International Bank for reconstruction and development (WORLD BANK)
- IMF - International monetary fund
- NEP - New economic policy
- MRTP - Monopolies and restrictive trade practices act
- FII - Foreign institutional investors
- WTO - World trade organisation
- NSSO - National sample survey organisation
- PDS - Public distribution system
- ICDS - Integrated child development scheme
- MMS - Mid day meal scheme
- REGP - Rural employment generation programme
- PMRY - Prime Minister rozgar yojana
- PMEGP - Prime Minister employment generation programme
- SJSRY - Swarna jayanti shahari rozgar yojana
- SGSY - Swarna jayanti gram swarozgar yojana
- NRLM - National rural livelihoods mission
- GATT - General agreement on trade and tariff
- MPCE - Monthly per capita expenditure
- SGRY - Sampoorna gramin rojgar yojana
- NFFWP - National food for work programme
- NREG - National rural employment guarantee act
- MGNREGA - Mahatma Gandhi National rural employment guarantee act
- NSAP - National social assistance program
- PMJDY - Prime Minister Jan dhan yojana
- NCERT - National council of educational research and training
- UGC - University Grants commission
- AICTE - All India council of technical education
- NABARD - National bank for agriculture and rural development
- TANWA - Tamil nadu women in agriculture
- PDS - Public distribution system
- MSP - Minimum support price
- FCI - Food corporation of India
- SAGY - Saansad aadarsh gram yojana
- DGET - Directorate general of employment and training
- CFL - Compact fluorescent lamps
- LED - Light emitting diode
- PHC - Primary Health centre
- AYUSH- Ayurveda Yoga Unani Siddha Naturopathy Homeopathy
- GBD - Global burden of diseases
- CPCB - Central pollution control board
- IUCN - International Union for the conservation of natural resources
- SAARC - South Asian association for regional cooperation
- ASEAN - Association of South East Asian nations
- BRICS - Brazil Russia India China South Africa
- GLF - Great leap forward
- SOE - State owned enterprises
- SEZ - Special economic zones
- UNCED - United Nations conference on environment and development
- ISA - International solar alliance
- CNG - Compressed natural gas
- LPG - Liquefied petroleum gas