Commerce  The Sample Question Papers for classes  XII Term 1 Exams 2021-22 

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Sample Question Paper (Term 1)


Class - XII

Time: 90 Minutes Max. Marks 35


1. The Question Paper contains three sections (A, B & C).

2. Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.

3. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions (Map Section (Q.No. 25-29) is mandatory to


4. Section C has 12 questions. Attempt any 10 questions. (First Part of C Section (Source based has 4

questions (Q.No. 49-52) and all need to be attempted).

5. All questions carry equal marks.

6. There is no negative marking.


There are 24 questions in this section. Attempt any 20 questions.

1. Which one of the following Union Territories has the highest density of population?

a) NCT Delhi

b) Andaman and Nicobar Island

c) Chandigarh

d) Puducherry

2. Arrange the following approaches in a sequential order according to their development.

Choose the correct option.

1. Spatial organization

2. Regional approach

3. Areal differentiation

4. Humanistic approach


(a) 1 4 2 3

(b) 4 1 3 2

(c) 2 3 1 4

(d) 3 2 4 1

3. Panna, Para, Palli, Nagla and Dhani are examples of which of the following settlements?

a) Clustered Settlements

b) Semi-Clustered Settlements

c) Dispersed Settlements

d) Hamleted Settlements


Which of the following programs sponsored by central government aims at enabling the rural

population to conserve water for drinking, irrigation, fisheries and afforestation?

a) Arvary Pani Sansad

b) Haryali

c) Neeru-Meeru

d) Narmada bachao

5. Population of India according to Occupation can be categorized into:

a) Main workers, Marginal workers, Non workers

b) Marginal workers, Household industrial workers, Non workers

c) Agricultural labourers, Marginal workers, Non workers

d) Cultivators, Main workers, Marginal workers

6. Who among the following developed the concept of ‘human development’?

a) Ellen C. Semple

b) Dr Mahbub-ul-haq

c) Kanwar Sen

d) Griffith Tailor

7. Which one of the following is not a plantation crop?

a) Coffee

b) Sugarcane

c) Rubber

d) Wheat

8. Which of the following best describes ‘development’?

a) An increase in size

b) A constant in size

c) A positive change in quality

d) A simple change in quality

Some of the question that are given in sample paper are written above and You can can download the sample paper from the below link 👇👇👇👇👇👇


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